Excellence In Non-Surgical Aesthetic Cosmetic Medicine

Excellence in Non-Surgical Aesthetic Cosmetic Medicine

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Non-Surgical Ear Pinning


The advanced non-surgical Bat Ear Pinning Otoplasty restores facial symmetry by reducing protruding ears with no hospitalisation, incisions or scars. Treatments are performed comfortably in-clinic with local anaesthetic. 

Ear Pinning Otoplasty procedures are performed by the reputable Cosmetic Proceduralist Dr Buddy Beaini –  who has vast experience and expertise in ear pinning treatments, having performed up to 3,500 Non-Surgical Otoplasty procedures over the last 13 years throughout Australia.

Ear Pinning Otoplasty is an in-clinic 60 minute non-surgical procedure requiring only local anaesthetic. There are no incisions, no bandages, and minimal downtime. Ear Pinning results are naturally appearing, immediate and permanent for most patients – in some cases, a simple follow up maintenance treatment may be required.

Prices of non-surgical otoplasty are generally much cheaper than traditional Otoplasty Surgery because hospitalisation and general anaesthetic is not required.

Consultations are performed by Dr Buddy Beaini and medical consultants – MD Cosmedical Solutions are reputable cosmetic clinics in operation since 2001.

All cosmetic medical procedures may have small risks or variable results, and some patients may not be suitable for certain procedures. However there are no risks of traditional surgery or general anaesthesia as these procedures are non-surgical. Dr Beaini only performs this procedure on patients that are above the age 18 years.

Clinics conveniently located in Sydney CBD (Sheraton Hotel), Wahroonga Station (OFF M2), Canberra (Barton). 

The advanced non-surgical Bat Ear Pinning Otoplasty restores facial symmetry by reducing protruding ears permanently with no hospitalisation, incisions or scars. Ear Pinning procedures are performed comfortably in-clinic with local anaesthetic. 

Ear Pinning Otoplasty procedures are performed by the reputable Cosmetic Proceduralist Dr Buddy Beaini –  who has vast experience and expertise in ear pinning treatments, having performed up to 3,500 Non-Surgical Otoplasty procedures over the last 13 years throughout Australia.

With this advanced non-surgical incisionless otoplasty procedure, special permanent mattress of pralone threads are administered invisibly under the skin utilising a series of small micro needle holes on the inner ear surface.  With these thread mattresses, an underdeveloped antihelix fold of the ear is repaired, therefore correcting the antihelix fold – hence pinning the ears back into a desirable natural ear lobe position.  The only visible signs of the procedure are microscopic needle stick incision points on the inner ear that disappear within a week. Patients can see the results immediately after the procedure.

In comparison to conservative otoplasty surgery, this Bat Ear pinning method involves no general anaesthetic, no incisions, no scars, no deformities and no downtime. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic in a cosmetic clinic by Dr Buddy Beaini. Results are immediate and permanent. There is minimal swelling & bruising during the procedure, but this does not restrict the patient from performing normal daily duties. Once the swelling and mild bruises have resolved, there is no evidence that the bat ear correction procedure has been performed.

Another exciting advantage of the non-surgical Bat Ear pinning procedure is that a patient can give their feedback about the ear positioning during the procedure. This enables adjustment to suit the patients individual desires. Patients can also easily return for additional adjustments if they desire at any point of time.


  • Non-Surgical Otoplasty Procedure
  • No Hospitalisation Procedure
  • Performed In-Clinic
  • Local Anaesthetic (no general anaesthetic)
  • No Incisions, No scars, No deformities
  • No Bandages or Downtime
  • Naturally appearing permanent results

Prices of non-surgical otoplasty are generally much cheaper than traditional Otoplasty Surgery because hospitalisation and general anaesthetic is not required.

Consultations are performed by Dr Buddy Beaini and medical consultants – MD Cosmedical Solutions are reputable cosmetic clinics in operation since 2001. All cosmetic medical procedures may have small risks or variable results, and some patients may not be suitable for certain procedures. However there are no risks of traditional surgery or general anaesthesia as these procedures are non-surgical.

Special permanent mattresses of threads are administered invisibly under the skin utilising a series of small micro needle holes on the inner ear surface.  With these thread mattresses, an underdeveloped antihelix fold of the ear is repaired, therefore correcting the antihelix fold – hence pinning the ears back into a desirable natural ear lobe position.  The only visible signs of the procedure are microscopic needle stick incision points on the inner ear that disappear within a week. Patients can see the results immediately after the procedure.

Non-Surgical Ear Pinning Advantages:

  • Non-Surgical Otoplasty
  • No Hospitalisation – procedure performed in clinic
  • Local Anaesthetic
  • No Incisions, No scars, No deformities
  • No Bandages and Minimal Downtime
  • Naturally appearing permanent results in most patients – some patients may require a follow up maintenance treatment
  • Ears may be further adjusted if required in the future

Bat Ear Correction procedures have been performed internationally for over 26 years, with excellent long-term results with most patients. Some patients may require a simple follow up maintenance treatment.

Local anaesthesia with some mild sedatives may be used. Routinely Bat Ear Pinning procedures take approximately 60 minutes to perform.

After the procedure there may be some mild pain, swelling and bruising. This may be covered by your hair (if long enough), or by wearing a beanie or headband. There is no reason why most patients can’t resume normal gentle activities soon after the procedure.

Dr Buddy Beaini, who is considered a leading Non-Surgical Bat Ear Pinning expert and leader, performs the bat ear correction treatments – with over 3,500 treatments performed to date.

Ear Pinning Procedure Aftercare:


    The Ear Pinning aftercare is simple but very important:


  • Simple analgesia (e.g. Paracetamol or Nurofen) for the first 2 to 5 days if required
  • Keep ears dry for the first 3 days
  • Avoid picking at any small needle hole scabs
  • Avoid sleeping on your ears for the first 5 days if possible
  • Wear headbands (bedtime only) for the first 12 – 14 weeks
  • Take prophylactic antibiotic prescribed by your doctor for 7 days
  • Avoid pulling of the ears (you may wear headbands in the case of contact sports)
  • Contact Dr Beaini if you have increasing redness or pain, or if you have any questions regarding your treatment

After the procedure, there will be mild tenderness, swelling and bruising. Generally this can be covered with long hair or with a concealer so that the patient can carry on with normal duties. The tenderness, swelling & bruising generally subsides within 5 to 10 days. This is significantly less that with traditional otoplasty surgery.

After the bat ear correction procedure, you may wash your face with a face towel, and shower the rest of the body (i.e. keep the ears dry for the 1st 3 days after the procedure). After this period, you may shower normally, but gently pat dry the ears. Do not pick at the tiny blood crusts as they will fall off naturally after a few days.

After the Bat Ear Correction procedure, the patient returns home without any head bandages. There are no bandages required as there are no incisions, and the pin holes are sealed with skin glue.

A protective headband is worn for the first 12 to 14 weeks during sleep time only. This is to avoid accidental pressure to the treated area.

No sports should be played for the 1st 2 weeks until the needle holes are sealed, and the ear tenderness has settled.

After the Bat Ear correction procedure, you can play any sports that don’t involve pulling to the ears. With contact sports, caution needs to be taken. As a precaution, a headband may be worn with contact sports. No guarantees can be given in the event of contact sports injuries. However, a damaged thread may be easily replaced.

If you want to have your ears pierced, we recommend that you have it done before the planned procedure or a few weeks after the Bat Ear Pinning procedure. Piercing of the earlobe is acceptable after the procedure if it is remote to the treatment area. It is advisable not to have piercings in the direct proximity of the area of the procedure because accidental damage of the threads may occur, or an infection may be introduced to the area. Dr Beaini can advise you about any precautions.

The ear pinning thread stitches do not dissolve and do not need to be removed. It remains invisibly embedded under the skin in the ear as support permanently.

Gradually diminishing pain is normal. On rare occasions, there may be a transient initial infection, which is treated with antibiotics. In the event of increasing swelling, redness or pain, please contact Dr Beaini and a remedy will be initiated.

Dr Beaini recommends that the procedure not be performed until the patient is over 18 years old for 3 reasons:


  1. The patient should be old enough to make their own decision about this treatment and to make an informed consent
  2. The patient should be old enough to understand and follow through the care of their post treatment care
  3. The patient needs to have properly developed ear lobes

Otoplasty - MD Cosmedical Solutions
Otoplasty - MD Cosmedical Solutions
Otoplasty - MD Cosmedical Solutions
Otoplasty - MD Cosmedical Solutions
Otoplasty - MD Cosmedical Solutions

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Anti-Aging Injections

Anti-Aging Injections

Anti-Aging Injections

Anti-Aging Injections

Anti-Aging Injections

Anti-Aging Injections

Medical Treatments

Nightlase Laser Treatment

Laser Skin Treatment

Laser Skin Treatments

Urinary Incontinence Pelvic Floor Treatment

Laser Skin Treatment

Laser & Sclerotherapy

Laser Rosacea Treatment

Intimalase Laser

Incontilase Laser

Hair Loss Laser Treatment

Anti-Sweating Injections

Migraine Treatment

Laser Fungal Treatment

Skin Treatments

Scalp Cosmetic Tattoo

Skin Tightening & Rejuvenation

Skin Tightening

Skin Rejuvenation Laser

Skin Rejuvenation Laser

Wrinkle Treatment

Face Augmentation

Skin Anti-Aging

Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Hair Removal


Fat & Cellulite Removal | Skin Tightening Laser

Non-Surgical Skin Lifting

HIFEM Muscle Building & RF Fat Reduction Treatments

Non-Surgical Body Tuck

Ultrasound Fat Removal


Non-Surgical Facelift

Non-Surgical Ear Pinning

Periorbital Treatments

Non-Surgical Nose Lift

Chin Fat Dissolving

Treatment Expertise:

  • Aptos Thread Lifts Face, Neck, Brow, Nose, Body, Vagina
  • Blepharoplasty Eyelid Hooding Surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Renuvion J-Plasma Skin Tightening
  • Fat Transfer Face
  • Fat Transfer Body (e.g. Brazilian Butt Lift)
  • Fat Transfer Arthritic Joints & Soft Tissue Repair
  • Tummy Tucks
  • Keloid Scar Treatment
  • Ear Lobe Repair
  • Varicose Veins Sclerotherapy
  • Baggy Eyes Surgery
  • Tear Trough Fillers

Hayley made the transition into cosmetic injectables to pursue her passion for helping people achieve greater self-confidence through non-surgical treatments that enable them to attain a more youthful, rejuvenated version of themselves.

Hayley’s expertise is in cosmetic injectables, however she is also experienced in other dermal therapies such as skin needling, rejuvenating laser therapies, skin peels and platelet rich plasma for facial rejuvenation and acne scarring. Hayley is also here to provide post-operative support to patients who have received cosmetic surgical treatment in our Canberra clinic.

Elena joined MD Cosmedical Solutions in 2018 where she became our leading nurse in our Sydney CBD Clinic. On a daily basis Elena performs, Cosmetic Injectables, Fraxel, Thermage, Nightlase & various other laser treatments. Prior to joining the team at MD Cosmedical Solutions, Elena worked at Fairfield Hospital, Results Laser Clinic & Australian Laser Clinics where she gained a lot of knowledge and professional skills that have allowed her to excel through her career. Elena has a passion for the cosmetic Industry where she cares for every single one of her clients to deliver them with a service that goes above their expectations. 

Patricia started her nursing career at Gosford Hospital at The Central  Coast in Sydney then worked at Hornsby Hospital on a Medical / Cardiology ward and moved to Intensive Care Unit. Also, worked in Aged Care facilities Second in Charge.

Patricia’s passion for helping patients look and feel better about themselves has led her to the journey of the Cosmedical Journey and has worked in Melbourne at the Anti-aging Cosmedical group from 2010 till 2014. Thereafter Patricia joined the MD Cosmedical solution team in 2014.

As an enthusiastic and passionate Registered Nurse with extensive experience in cosmetic medicine, Patricia is committed to the provision of high quality, evidence-based and safe cosmetic medicine services. Committed to a safe practice, Patricia ensures that patients are sufficiently educated in all aspects of their treatment to feel confident about undertaking any procedure. Her well-developed clinical reasoning and patient assessment skills, as well as her ability to build rapport with clients, enable Patricia to make a strong contribution to positive patient outcomes. 

Patricia is highly competent in the provision of anti-ageing treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and specialized laser treatments, and has demonstrated track record of achieving excellent results for clients.

She began her career in 1976 and has worked in many hospitals in Sydney including the Sydney Adventist Hospital for over 20 years. Marta has worked overseas in the Netherlands for 2 years attaining her A- RN Diploma.

Marta is highly competent in the provision of anti-ageing treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and specialised laser treatments, and has demonstrated track record of achieving excellent results for clients.

Marta has kept up to date with attending conventions, workshops and seminars in Aesthetics. She has multiple training certificates and has an aesthetic eye for detail.

Her expertise, passion and commitment to her clients is well recognized, with an abundance of excellent testimonials from her long term clients.

Dr Buddy Paul Beaini

Aesthetic Cosmetic Medicine Proceduralist
Founder, Medical Director & Principal Doctor of MD Cosmedical Solutions Clinics
MB. BS (NSW UNI), VR, DCH, FACAM (Fellow Australasian College of Aesthetic Medicine)


University Studies:

Attended The University of New South Wales and graduated with Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery Degrees 

Hospital training at St Vincent’s Hospital, Royal Women’s Hospital, Lidcombe Hospital, Prince Henry Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, Wollongong Hospital

Hospital Appointments:

Internship at Wollongong Hospital 1988 – 1989
Resident Medical Officer Westmead Hospital 1989 -1991
Surgical Registrar Westmead Hospital 1991-1992
Resident Medical Officer Sydney Adventist Hospital 1992 – 1994


Aptos Thread Lift

  • Mini Facelift, Jowl Lift & Neck Lift 
  • Brow Lift
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Nose Augmentation
  • Face Asymmetry Correction
  • Body Lift (Abdomen & Upper Arms & Thighs)

Ear Pinning – Non-Surgical Otoplasty

Periorbital Eye Rejuvenation Laser

  • Eyelid Hooding (Upper & Lower)
  • Baggy Eyes
  • Tear Troughs
  • Dark Eye Circles & Pigmentation

Ablative Laser Treatments (Fraxel CO2 & Fotona Dynamis)

  • Face Laxity & Wrinkles 
  • Periorbital Laxity 
  • Antiaging & Sun Damage
  • Acne Scars
  • Pigmentation & Melasma
  • Solar Keratosis 
  • Poikiloderma

ND-Yag Laser Treatments  

  • Face & Leg Veins
  • Rosacea
  • Acne  

Baggy Eyes Fat Removal Treatments

Migraine Treatments

Hyperhidrosis Treatments (i.e. underarms, hands, feet)

Wrinkle Treatments & Dermal Treatments

Skin Tightening Treatments (Fotona Laser & Thermage FLX)

Fat Reduction Treatments (Fotona Laser & Mesotherapy)

Nightlase Snoring Laser Treatments

Intimalase Vaginal Rejuvenation Laser

Incontilase Weak Bladder Laser

Calcaneal Spur Treatments

Arthritis Joint Treatments

Keloid Scar Treatment & Laser Treatment